Avenged Sevenfold’s new record is a mixed bag.  This is the first time I’ve listened to one of their albums – they’re new to me even though they’ve been making music for over 15 years and this is album seven.  So I’ve no frame of reference as to how The Stage compares with their previous material, but I bought it on a recommendation and found much to love.  It’s a record that is full of interesting, progressive metal songs.  Indeed, this is an album that is as much about the mellow parts, the layers and the key changes as it is about punching riffs (although there are some pretty good riffs on show here too: ‘Simulation’, for example, has a central riff that recalls Metallica’s 1988 classic ‘Blackened’, before shifting tone and drifting into shoegaze territory).  This is metal with an accompanying string section, and occasionally a brass section too.  The quality dips every so often: it’s definitely a patchy affair.  And the pseudo-Layne Staley style vocals grate a bit after a while.  But when it’s good, it’s really good.  The unexpected trumpet-bounce that suddenly happens part way through ‘Sunny Disposition’ is worthy of a special mention.

sample track: Sunny Disposition